Wednesday, December 31, 2008

That time of year

Okay - as it's December 31st, it's officially time to assess the year past and figure out where the next year is headed. During 2008 I:
  • Ended a relationship
  • Worked a second job
  • Moved into a new apartment
  • Became a capable housekeeper
  • Reconnected with old friends
  • Went to the gym faithfully for 2/3 of the year
  • Baked a Cheesecake
  • Had a lot of fun with Asrai

That's a pretty decent list if you ask me. Granted there are loads of things I won't include (some examples are that I changed the litter box an average of 1.2 times per week, went to the gynecologist, things like that). But I think that's enough for the big 2-0-0-8.

2009's a whole new pot of spaghetti though, and I'm ready to make some Resolutions - here's the plan:

  • Grow my hair past my shoulders
  • Go to the gym faithfully for 4/5 of the year (I'm not even going to bother pushing this one in November and December)
  • Continue my trend of keeping the house tidy - and try to stay more on top of the dirty laundry situation
  • Learn how to make baked Alaska
  • Learn how to operate the new sewing machine
  • Keep having fun with Asrai while she's still young enough to like me
  • Write more

Also, a totally rocking list, if I do say so myself. I didn't add boring things like change the litterbox an average of 1.4 times per week, or FINALLY quit those last few cigarettes I seem to be smoking every day. I am hoping those will evolve on their own, and if they don't - I don't want to feel like 2009 was a total failure.

I'd also like to lose a few pounds, however, I weigh just what I did when I started this year, which is very much better than weighing more, right? So I'm not going to push myself - if I work out and stick to a daily dietary regimen of cheesecake and pasta, I should break even, right?

1 comment:

Sara said...

I give you an A for 2008 and expect nothing less from you in 2009!