Thursday, September 20, 2012

Best. Letter. Ever!!!!

I am way beyond excited right now - my packet of paperwork arrived from FedEx this morning for my Marlboro trip!!!  I plan to scan it all so I can keep a decent record of everything here, but as I'm at work, I need to keep this short and tidy.

I did take the time to scan in my letter!!!  Read it and weep (with jealousy - or with shared enjoyment if you're going too!).

To read all posts related to this win - go to my Marlboro Ranch Page!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting and I am very, very happy for you! <3

  2. Congats!! I am just as excited as you!! We just got our dates and we will be going Jan 12-15. It's going to be a LOOOONNNGG wait! :0)
